Sunday, 8 July 2007

Watering - Growing Weed For Beginners

Watering your plants is a vital stage throughout your grow. Over watering can damage your plants more than a severe dry spell can. When watering your plants your going to need to use either mineral water that can be bought in any super market or boiled tap water to remove any chlorine traces as chlorine can damage your plants root system. When you are giving your plants water you should give them enough so that you see a few drips come out of the drainage holes at the bottom of your pots. Your going to follow this process every 2-3 days.

A good way to check if your plants need watering or not is to put your finger about an inch down in the soil to check whether it is still moist, if it is still moist then they do not need watering.

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You should include a section on Nutrient News with the best/worst/newest Nutrients for growing weed hydroponically or in soil

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